Ogmius: Skill based residency: Textlab, week three
The third and last Textlab week in June seemed to run more smoothly than the previous, as the team had gotten more used to the form of working through Zoom. > Watch a film documenting the process of Textlab by clicking here. > Watch a selection of scenes from the work made during Textlab. During an…
Ogmius: Skill based residency: Textlab, week two
In April Harald Leander, the three artists and the support staff working on Textlab met up again over Zoom. They continued to work on the play together. Rehearsing and filming, scene by scene. > Watch a film documenting the process of Textlab by clicking here. > Watch a selection of scenes from the work made during…
Ogmius: Skill based residency: Textlab, week one
Each actor got the whole script in their own language, but each script also contained the translations into the other two languages, making it easier for the actors to follow what the others were saying. The script was delivered to the actors in January, just a couple of weeks before the first Textlab week. Each…
Ogmius: Skill based residency: Textlab, preparations
The last skill based residency for artists during the Ogmius project was hosted by Moomsteatern and went under the name Textlab. The idea of Textlab grew out of the residency at Moomsteatern during the Crossing the Line project in 2015. Artists from all three countries had been given a scene from a play, written in their…